Contact me by filling in the form below and clicking the 'submit' button. Or if you rather, email me at or contact me via WhatsApp at 204.348.2214. If you have a general question, please check my FAQ page before contacting me! If you are inquiring about a specific product, please read the product description (scroll to the bottom of the page)... I try to answer questions about the product there. :)
If you are referring to a item(s), please take note of the SKU number and include it with your message (found underneath the title & price on the product page).
**PLEASE NOTE Because of copyright reasons I cannot use just any picture you've found off the internet. Please do not ask me to do so, because I will just say 'no'. :) This is my policy and I cannot make any exceptions. I am considered liable if I am the one doing the printing. If you want to ask about a specific picture, please also include information about where it was found or make sure it is okay for commercial use. If you wish to ask me to find something similar, I can gladly do that, but often something 'similar' ends up being quite different, as I am limited to what I can find for purchase.** Thanks for understanding.
Please click on the link below for all custom design inquiries ↓